Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Day 2007

I'm practicing my typing skills while holding a baby tonight. The kids are taking turns with Abe's remote control Lightening McQueen car that keeps finding it's way under the couch or stuck on the carpet. Today my husband was glad to find some NBA games on broadcast tv.

These photos are some of the moments from today. Fortunately nobody took a photo of me snoozing after present opening and an omelet breakfast (thanks to Jimmy) this morning.

Abe has been enthralled with his cars all day long. I think he would have been content for a few hours with his 3 little cars that were found in his stocking.

Tinkerbell (I mean - Hannah) was thrilled with Christmas (except that we had no snow - so we enjoyed seeing G & G Price's snow in Nauvoo via webcam/Skype).

I'm sure Jimmy was pleased as punch to find whitey-tightey shirts under the tree. But now that he has to dress up for work, we figure he may as well arrive in SLC equipped for the dress-code.

Overall, we had a pleasant, non-fancy day. The kids played well together and enjoyed their simple presents. We wish we could have been with family so y'all could hold new baby Maxwell and so we could enjoy all the fun Christmas food and traditions together... maybe next year! For now we'll appreciate our mellow little Christmas day!


Marne said...

That is the best...relaxing and enjoyable. Merry Christmas!

Amy D. said...

Looks like a nice kick-back kind of Christmas Day. Love your kids in their Jammies and all the cute outfits, too.

Angie said...

It sounds like and ideal Christmas! I love low-key holidays.

Mary said...

First - Love Love LOVE Hannah's socks with those tinkerbell shoes. Classic. Second - Abe lined those cars up great! He and Kyle will play parking lots together well. Third - Glad you had a good Christmas. Fourth - Maxwell looks too sweet. Can't WAIT to hold him. Fifth - We LOVE YOU GUYS!

Alison said...

What a perfect Christmas Day! I'm glad you all enjoyed it. It looks so peaceful. What a sweet family you are!

Megan said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas Day. Congratulations on having a new baby.

Anonymous said...

Heather, It has been too long--I haven't looked at peoples blogs for awhile, sorry. Maxwell is darling and a great name! Isn't it fun to hold a baby again? Did you get a home here in Utah yet? We are excited to have you near.