Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Attack of the Pants

Maxwell is one week old today. He is such a funny little munchkin with all that hair and the squishy faces he makes. I think my favorite it to comb it all forward while he is sleeping. It kind of makes him look like Mr. Collins on Pride and Prejudice (the 6-hr version) I don't think Jimmy finds it as attractive as I do :).

Maxwell seems to be a pretty content little kiddo and doesn't cry much. He does have his days and nights slightly confused and we're working on that. Most of all, we love having a sweet little one to snuggle and kiss (I love that soft baby skin!).

Hannah commented that "It is so fun to have a little baby in our family." She is a good helper to get items we need to care for Max. She calls him "Maxie" which is a name probably only she will get away with. Abe has had a yucky cough and gooby nose so we are trying to keep him as far away from the baby as possible. He has been practicing the 'x' sound so he can say Maxwell correctly. We'll miss having a "Mack" around.

Our Christmas wish list of having a healthy baby and selling our home came true. We feel so blessed! Now - what to do about those pants of his???


Marne said...

Oh Heather, he is beautiful! I am loving all of my friends having babies! I love it when they are so small...the clothes don't fit quite right but they are perfect in every way...I held so many babies this past weekend. Oh it is fun. I think the hunger is setting in again...

Alison said...

He is darling. I would love to smell his sweet baby cheeks (one of my favorite smells in the world). What cute pictures of him. I love that your kids love him! It seems like you are all doing so well!