Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Weekend

We enjoyed a pleasant enough Easter weekend. We had temperatures in the low 30s for most of the weekend and Hannah declared that it was too cold to even go to church. But we bundled up and made it to the ward egg hunt which was wild. A friend observed that even though we have scarcity on oil, gasoline, etc..., there never seems to be a scarcity in high fructose corn syrup. Why oh why must they put that goop in so many things? Hence my willingness to buy organic stuff since they don't load it up with sugar.We enjoyed a fun Sunday afternoon attempting to dye Eggs. Jimmy gives literacy lessons to an older man in our ward who is a chicken farmer. He gave us some brown eggs and 2 eggs that came out green. So - rather than eat them, we thought we'd dye them. Brown eggs really don't dye well, just so you know. And the green eggs, well - they did just fine in the green dye. We made cupcakes and had a nice FHE lesson from Jimmy about the resurrection.Abe found it rather intriguing to roll his colored egg around on the table. After one fell and cracked he came to his senses about doing that activity.


Anonymous said...

Happy Easter, Smiths! You had fun in the cold, even--good job!

Mary said...

Fun that you had colored eggs to color. Sounds like you guys had a good Easter. Can't wait to see you this weekend!!!