Friday, April 06, 2007

Aunt Christine!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Aunt Christine! Jimmy's youngest sister turned the big 11 today. What a great day to have a birthday - April 6! Hannah and Abe love seeing Aunt Christine who is always very nice to play with all the nieces and nephews. Have a fun birthday celebration Christine!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Heather,
Thanks for the note to Christine, she really liked it and she really enjoyed it when Hannah called and sang Happy Birthday to her. She had a nice birthday and got a lot of nice things, her favorite being the latest craze here "webkinz", and stuffed animal you can buy, then go online to a playroom. Thanks again, Terry
PS-it should be easier for Christine to get on to you site now because I bookmarked your web site and showed her how to pull it up.