Monday, April 09, 2007

Character, Commitment, Discipline

I've been thinking about self-discipline lately since I've been attempting to refrain from sweets for 2 weeks (gratefully this will expire on Wednesday, on which I am planning to make a tasty chocolate cake). There definitely is something to be said of disciplining one's self. It sure is hard to strive to become better sometimes. I must not have much character because on most days I struggle to get out of bed in a timely fashion. Jimmy or the kiddos help inspire me on this matter. I admire those who have strong character, firm commitment, and self-discipline to become better. Just keep swimming...just keep swimming...just keep swimming...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I totally admire these characteristics, too. We all go through the days and wax and wane in our dedication to being better. Thanks for the encouragement, Heath.