Saturday, March 10, 2007

A whirlwind

Today was a whirlwind of a Saturday. But it was a good Saturday. Work and play and put the kids down early for bed. Jimmy decided to move the fence on the side of the house. We have 5 flowerbeds...2 of which are on the side of the house and have been extremely neglected. Our hope was that by moving the fence closer to the front of the house, we could have a nice side/back yard with those 2 extra flowerbeds. I think we might plant sunflowers since they are in the direct afternoon sun. Jimmy worked really hard all day long. I tried to help a little. I moved some rocks and found a black widow - yikes!, lots of slugs and bugs. I tried shoveling some dirt but I wasn't extremely efficient or strong at that job. Good job Jimmy with the fence!
Earlier today I went to Hannah to the mall to meet my cousin's wife to pick up something. It really isn't as fun to walk around the mall if you can't buy anything. But we walked around and looked a few things. At one store, Miss Hannah asked if we could find a bench to sit down and eat the snack she brought. So we found a seat and she shared her fruit snacks with me. Then she wanted to play the game she brought. I figured since we were just spending time together and not really shopping, why not? So we play 'Go Fish' with Dora cards. Later today we met a friend at a park and about 5 seconds after we got out of the car, Abe tripped on Hannah and he fell and cut his lip and knees and elbows. Poor little Abe. But the kids still had a blast playing. My friend Shari is a superb professional photographer and a scrapbooker. We came home and the kids goofed off outside. They have been enjoying walking on our flowerbed and trying to balance.
And this final photo shows how tired we all were after a fun day. Abe was mad that I was taking another photo of him. So at 7 sharp the kids went to bed and Jimmy and I are going to relax and enjoy a quiet Saturday evening.


Amy D. said...

Another busy and productive day in Memphis. Nice photos, Heath.

Shari said...

Heather... it was soooooooo much FUN to meet you! The kids LOVED it too! I hope we can get together lots more when I am in town! :-)