Sunday, March 11, 2007

Good Sabbath!

Well, here is Abe's cut lip. It is a little bit worse and bigger than it looks here. I asked Abe if I could take a picture of his lip. Hannah said, "Mom, you don't need to put a picture of that on our blog." But here it appears just for the record. Jimmy was at the Spanish Branch Conference today but the kids were superb at church today which was a miracle. I even was able to listen to the talks. This afternoon we went on a family walk and visited some friends who live in our neighborhood. Then we came home and made chocolate chip cookies and watched the Restoration. Hannah loves "the Secret Grove" part. Hoping you had a good Sabbath as well!


Mary said...

I've decided that you guys know how to have a great weekend. It included everything that is necessary for great memories (even poor 'lil Abe's lip). Way to go! Sounded like fun.

Shari said...

Oh... it didn't look that bad right after it happened. Poor little guy! He is still a cutie though! Again, we had soooooooo much fun meeting up with you yesterday! :-) Remember... you have you to show me the picture you took!

Jolene said...

OUCH, on the lip!