Saturday, March 10, 2007

Family Outing

Last night we had a brief family outing. We drove up to Shelby Farms to walk around the lake. The park closed only after a half an hour but it was fun to get some fresh air and have a place where the kids could ride without worrying about cars. Then we went to the outdoor mall and got some dinner crepes at the Crepe Maker. Hannah had made invitations for everyone in the family to attend the party so she handed those out. She even had envelopes and stickers. The kids threw some pennies in the fountain and drank some Sprite and thought it was a cool activity.


Janey said...

Haha, Hannah made invitations?? Like mother, like daughter ;) That sounds so relaxing and fun!

Amy D. said...

Oh, what a fun time! And dinner sounds like it was delicious. You are making great memories.