Sunday, March 11, 2007

It's all in the camera - and a bit of technique!

My friend Shari and I each took some pictures at the same time just to see how different out cameras are. My point and shoot camera basically would fit inside the lense of her awesome camera. So this is my version unedited and her version is on her blog. Wow - what a difference!! Same cute subjects though! What fun to capture the little moments in a child's life!


Shari said...

Oh yay! You posted it! I think yours turned out great too! :-) I will email you mine in high res, for our scrap challenge - in case you want them too!

Amy D. said...

Darling photo--Shari's is great, too! You can see the benefit of a nice camera. Her page on her dog is so cute! I love it! Great stuff, Heath

Jolene said...

What a cute picture of your kids. Abe looks like he is so cool. Darling.

Jolene said...

What a cute picture of your kids. Abe looks like he is so cool. Darling.