Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Strawberry Girl

Yesterday we went to the grocery store and picked up a bunch of yummy fruits. We got oranges, grapes, bananas, and strawberries. We already had grapefruit and apples which Hannah also loves. But when asked about her favorite fruit she'll say 'strawberries' with a twinkle in her eye and a smile on her face. So today she is my strawberry girl in her spring dress. The bandaid on her finger was placed there because her thumb hurt from so much coloring. That's our Hannah! The other excitement from yesterday that Hannah wanted me to mention is that we bought popsicles. We found Sugar Free FlavorIce (that has some fruit juice) and because it was in the mid-seventies yesterday we celebrated with popsicles for Family Home Evening Treats.


Amy D. said...

Hannah looks so darling in that dress! We love sugar-free flavor-ice and popsicles (and soda!). Sa-weet memory....

Janey said...

I love the dress, and the hair! YOu look great hannah!!!