Sunday, February 04, 2007

I'll Follow Him in Faith

Church today was actually really good. I loved hearing so many simple testimonies of faith. I was strengthened by them. Also, I realized the primary kids were learning a new song for the primary program this year, I'll Follow Him in Faith. Here is the pdf and I put the music as #9 on my Ipod but you can download it here. I love the message:

The Lord has blessed me with gospel truth.
I have learned His ways in my early youth.
I will share my light for I know it's right
To testify of Him.
The Lord has blessed me with simple faith.
If I pray for help, He will give me strength.
I will do His work. I will gladly serve.
I'll follow Him in Faith.

The Lord has blessed me to feel His Love.
I have felt His promptings and learned to trust.
So in all I do, I'll be faithful to
The things I know are true.
The lord has blessed me in many ways.
With a thankful heart I will sing His praise.
I will raise my voice and proclaim my choice
To follow Him in Faith.

He Has shown the way, and through all my days,
I'll follow Him in faith.

Sorry so long...but isn't that an awesome message - especially to teach these young children. I feel so blessed and this song definitely reflects the feelings in my heart today.


Amy D. said...

Our primary chorister talked about this song briefly in her testimony today. Great message!

Alison said...

Did I tell you I was called as Primary Chorister a few weeks ago? I love all the children's songs. What neat messages to have kids learn through music. It always makes me cry while I'm reviewing for the upcoming Sunday.