Monday, August 24, 2009

Protect Your Identity

This weekend my kids were into The Incredibles movie. I even sat down to watch a little bit to rest.

What do you think Elastigirl (the mom) said to her children:
"Your identity is your most precious possession.
Protect it."

So, I've been thinking about the importance of that quote - and my role in teaching my children about their identity - their eternal identity!

Tonight after dinner Abe asked Hannah, "Hannah, do you love yourself?" And Hannah dancing around the living room said, "Of course. Everyone loves themselves."

Wouldn't it be great if when we all grew up, we'd have that same sincere love for who we are - as Children of God?

So, I think about what I can do as a mother to teach my kids to love themselves, feel love from Heavenly Father, be confident in doing good, be virtuous no matter what, prepare for temple ordinances, etc ...

I came across a few quotes that inspired me:

On confidence in who you are as a child of God:
"All over the world, ... young women ... declare the same thing: “We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him”. Yet as they grow up, they often grow away from the confident knowledge ... that they are very special.

Youth often experience an identity crisis, wondering who they really are. The teenage years are also a time of what I describe as “identity theft,” meaning that worldly ideas, philosophies, and deceits confuse us, buffet us, and seek to rob us of the knowledge of our true identity. ...

"The proclamation to the world on the family says,
“Each [of us] is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny” ...

"And so I testify to you again that I know beyond doubt that Heavenly Father knows you and loves you. You are His special daughter. He has a plan for you, and He will ever be there to lead you, guide you, and walk beside you (see “I Am a Child of God”)

Susan Tanner (May 2007 Ensign)
On Dressing modestly and respecting our bodies:
"The task of countering the world’s standards can be daunting—especially when children grow older and want to fit in with their peers. But by starting in their earliest years, we can give our children a firm foundation for dressing modestly throughout their lives. What key concepts will put this foundation in place? Consider the following gospel truths and how understanding them will affect the clothing choices we make:

• I am a child of God. He gave me the sacred gift of my body for a specific purpose—to do His work.

• God wants me to dress modestly. Dressing modestly reflects my divine origin and purpose.

• Dressing modestly helps me focus on God’s purpose for me, and it helps others treat me with respect."

On Confidence in Choosing the Right:
"My dear fellow priesthood holders of all ages and in all places around this world, let us use our thoughts, our minds and hearts, and our bodies with the respect and dignity worthy of a sacred temple given to us by our Heavenly Father. ...

"The prophets of our day have promised you, my friends, that as you keep the standards given in For the Strength of Youth and
“live by the truths in the scriptures, you will be able to do your life’s work with greater wisdom and skill and bear trials with greater courage. You will have the help of the Holy Ghost. … You will be worthy to go to the temple to receive holy ordinances. These blessings and many more can be yours” (For the Strength of Youth, 2–3).

"If you trust the Lord and obey Him, … He will help you achieve the great potential He sees in you."
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, (Ensign, May 2006)
Lots of great things to read about to inspire us to be better, teach better, and love better - eh? Pressing forward, ever onward!!! (at least I'll keep tryin')


shauna said...

Great inspiring post. Thanks Heather!

Amy D. said...

Excellent messages! It seems you are doing a great job with your kids, based on Hannah's response to Abe's question.

Diana said...

Thanks heather! You've got a lot of wonderful going around in that head of yours!