Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Perseverance Hike to Stewart Falls

Perseverance (Pronunciation: \ˌpər-sə-ˈvir-ən(t)s\ : noun)
1. steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

Today we went on our last big hike of the year. It was longer and harder for our fam than I anticipated (this seems to be a theme with our hikes - maybe I'm a wimp - or maybe I'm just 32 weeks pregnant!).

We had a purpose - to hike to Stewart Falls up Provo Canyon. Two miles later, we met our purpose! And then 2 miles outta there we met our next purpose of surviving and making it to the car without our legs collapsing!

Here we are starting out. We let Max walk on the mild parts and boy did he love it! It took us 1 1/2 hours to get to the falls.
Rejoice! We see fresh, cool water! After lots of sun and dust, these weary bodies were glad for some snacks and a break from walking. Max threw rocks into the stream for the 40 minutes we were there. Hannah rejoiced at the sight and taste of fresh peaches and apples. Abe said his favorite part of the entire hike was getting sprayed under the waterfalls.
This would be our fam on the hike back (see collage below). It took 1 hr & 20 minutes... Cruise on Fam! We definitely talked alot about positive encouragement to keep each other going. I was one tired mama (and I know Jimmy was one tired Papa carrying 25 lb Max the entire way back) but it's amazing how you can find energy and optimism when you have to keep the tots going... an occasional swedish fish or a piece of mint gum help too.

I told the kids they could pray to ask Heavenly Father to help them have enough energy to keep going. Hannah prayed for all of us and she said it worked!

On the hike back we tried to sing songs to keep everyone going. My favorites were Called to Serve (Forward, Pressing forward!!!), Oid Naciones (Hark all ye nations in Spanish). Jimmy kept the tunes comin' to keep Max chipper. Fun times!

Abe definitely won the dirtiest hand award. Hannah won the dirtiest feet award. They were quite proud of their awards actually. Max won the crinkliest feet award since his feet got wet at the stream and turned into little raisins by the time we got home.

Why do we hike as a family when sometimes it's so hard?

Well, we started out and the kids were whining about the littlest of things like a twig poking them or a bug buzzing near. Somehow I think we need to toughen up so we aren't complete and utter wimps living in a posh environment all the time. (Though I do have to say that coming home to a nice hot shower and perfumey soap was extra pleasant. I feel bad for the pioneers who didn't get to wash off at the end of every day!)

I think it's good that we accomplish hard things together with a fun reward (beautiful sites, wind in the quaking aspens, waterfall, etc) so the kids realize they can Persevere. By the end, even though we were completely clobbered with dust, so thirsty (5 large water bottles didn't quite cover our thirst needs), with aching legs and tired feet, we had accomplished something GRAND. The kids kept smiling and kept-a-walkin', walkin', walkin'!

And now I am looking forward to a good night's sleep for all of us to rest our weary bodies!


angela said...

Very admirable. I want so badly to get out and do more things just like that, not only because I LOVE them, but for the same reason, that my kids show signs of serious nonperserverers some days...not okay. Anyway, you sooo don't look 32 weeks pregnant. Wow.

Amy D. said...

So amazing, beautiful photos! What a fun and great accomplishment. Remember you took us and our little family on that hike one time? So worth it. Way to go!