Saturday, August 15, 2009

31 Weeks

Here we are - at 31 weeks. Yay! Pregnancy sure seems to last forever when you're the one going through it. I've tried to enjoy all the good parts of pregnancy with babe snug inside.

There's lots to be grateful for with new special babes. I love knowing that Heavenly Father is sending us another Child of God to teach and love and learn from. I still pray for the strength to do it lovingly, patiently, and energetically though!

At this point, I'm starting to get a bit uncomfortable. I think my hips decided to spread early which makes my waddling extra entertaining for all I'm sure. My 30-week ultrasound went well and placenta is far above my incision so that was good news. My last appointment, I met with my favorite doctor. I'm hoping all will go well with scheduling the c-section on a day that works for all involved... family/favorite doc/baby/me! :)

But we're enjoying this journey best we can. I love when the kids ask how our baby is doing. I love when they give me backrubs. I love when Max uses my belly as a chair (ok - maybe not really on that last one!). But I do love when he plays with Hannah's baby doll and tries to be gentle.

Jimmy has been a super-trouper helping out with just about everything. My poor family has had to endure a pretty irritable and impatient mother at times this summer. I'm workin' on that one!

We'll all just keep pressing forward and see how the next 2 months go until our wee little babe is born.

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