Sunday, July 05, 2009

With warmer temps comes WATER play

I'm playing a little bit of catch-up since my computer died. It may seem really silly but I was grateful I blogged the week before our computer died. I almost didn't because I was so tired, but then I wanted to remember all the little things.

That week we did a few fun adventures and all those pictures were lost in our computer crash... so I was glad I blogged them so I could at least have a few web versions to view for family history sake. Not that photos are eternally important, but they are a fun way to look back and remember the family memories.

Anyhoo... It may be important to note that it has finally warmed up. I loved, loved, loved all the rain we got this spring. It helped everything stay cool for this-here-pregnant-lady.

But I think the kids are enjoying the warmer temps. We pulled out the sprinklers last week. Max liked it for about 10 minutes and then started shivering and his lips turned purple. Poor baby. I might feel that way too if my swimsuit were falling off! Hannah and Abe loved it!
On Friday we pulled out the swimming pool to make a water slide. Max really didn't want anything to do with the slide part (too fast with the water), but he enjoyed watching all the other kids and playing in the pool. I think Abe had the best time with the slide and really enjoyed splashing into the pool. Hannah always tries to land gracefully and hence doesn't get quite the splash from it.


angela said...

what a fun fun yard you have!

Unknown said...

Sweet next time you set it up, I'm comin over...