Sunday, July 05, 2009

Hiking Adventures

A week ago Saturday (the day our computer died), we headed on an adventure up Little CottonWood Canyon to go on a hike. We planned on hiking to Secret Lake but the road to the start of the hike was closed (I guess they had a lot of snow this year that wasn't melted yet).

Plan B turned into viewing the awesome sites at Alta and Snowbird. We went on a little hike on a trail at Snowbird which ended at an observation deck. We saw a big deer on our hike, lots of squirrels, and heard lots of birds (Max is always very aware of birds now that he knows how to sign 'bird').

It was a little chillier than we anticipated but still a great day for enjoying beautiful mountains and sites. I loved the fresh smell of pine.

I also loved watching the kids on our walk. I loved seeing the back of Hannah with Bunny sitting in her backpack. And though Abe tired quickly, he kept going and enjoyed all the signs to view along the path. Max especially enjoyed the observation deck when he got to run around for a bit.

Here are the sites of our adventure.
Overall, a great morning with the fam. The sites seemed just about as beautiful as we could see anywhere in the world. We are so grateful to be surrounded by such beauty.

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