Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Step in the Right Direction

Swingset News:

When Jimmy first built the swingset, we needed a step up to the rock wall so that the climb wouldn't be so steep and vertical for little Max. Jimmy built a platform out of leftover wood remnants. I was always so worried a tot would fall and gash a head or back on the sharp wood corners. And the wall wasn't as stable as I'd like because it hung over a little.

So my man Jimmy extended the platform to hoist the wall more firmly. And today we added this outdoor carpet to help pad it. With Max as model (the funny babe he is), here are the before and after photos.Doesn't it look nicer and a bit more safe? I sure hope it is.


Julie said...

Great job! Looks like a fun swingset.

Amy D. said...

I love that yard set!

Kristin Sokol said...

It looks fantastic, whose ever idea that was is genius!