Thursday, July 09, 2009

Less than 100 to go!

Only because this lady is the spitting image of my pregnancy profile, skinny jeans, trendy purse, long ponytail, cute basketball belly, slender neck, high heels and all (chuckle-chuckle-chuckle!), I thought I'd post today's countdown which puts me at 99 days left till my due date. Technically I won't go until my due date so I have fewer days than 99 - something like 94 (hey - at least it's progress!)

I'm feeling quite huge and like I can't walk normal at all. The entire sciatic nerve condition is not helping things.

I need to do more yoga stretches. But have you ever tried to do yoga with 3 tots around? It's quite comical and completely not relaxing.

I had my initial glucose test on Monday. I haven't heard back from the doc so hopefully I passed. All day Sunday I was trying to avoid Sugar (1 - to be healthy. 2 (the real reason) so I would pass my test on Monday). I was so irritable all day because everything I wanted to eat contained sugar... even the fruit. It helped me realize I really need to make efforts to eat more protein and less sugar.

Baby Boy Smith seems to be doing fine. I get to have a follow-up ultrasound in 4 weeks. They are going to make sure the placenta (which happens to be right up front) isn't going to have troubles growing into my incision (that is no bueno if that happens. It pretty much = hysterectomy). Alrighty - moving on...

This pregnancy I've had the super craziest dreams/nightmares/night terrors. They really don't make for the best sleep ever.

I'm grateful for every single prayer that Abe says when he asks Heavenly Father to help mom feel well. We let him say the prayer a lot!

He also said yesterday, "When your baby pops out, is he going to have tiny fingers and toes?" This baby better not pop anywhere, that's for sure! But I'll take the tiny fingers and toes.

Anyhoo... gestating journaling ... check!


Lawrence Clan said...

Oh I feel your pain! That sciatic nerve thing is the worst I can be walking & it will totally paralize (I think I spelled that wrong) my leg & I can't move without pain... I also get charlie horses in my hips at night, plus the crazy weird dreams I am up in the night right along with you :) You would think that with our babies coming this is when our bodies would want to get rest... but NO! Good luck with everything :)

Julie said...

You are so cute!! Pregnancy is so "fun". :) I hope your ultrasound comes back with perfect results, and is far away from that incision. Congrats on the less than 100 days~!

Marne said...

Wow, time flies! I can't beleive you are that far along already. That sciatic pain does hurt! Glad you are on the downturn!