Wednesday, July 08, 2009

It's not even dead yet

I hadn't been out to check on our garden for a day or so. When we went out to water, we found a gynormous zucchini. Wow, those things grow fast. I think I'll keep a closer eyes on those boogers. The zucchini plant is already taking over all the space in the garden. Once you get them growin', they keep a goin'.Then we decided to sample a few peas. Hannah and Abe have never had fresh peas before. All 3 tots loved them. We'll wait a few more days to harvest some more. I think they need a little more space - poor little peas. You can see the tomato plants and zucchini crowding them out.
And here's our little garden spot. One box (with topsoil and compost dirt) is seriously thriving. The box with Mel's SFG Mix is a few weeks behind the other box, but isn't thriving as well. Not sure what the deal is. Perhaps it's the plants I got or maybe all the rain we got right after I planted.

The tomato plants in that box look very sad, sad indeed! The big bad birds ate our strawberries but since i only had 2 squares, I didn't bother putting up a shelter for them. Maybe next year.

We did pick a carrot to see how big it was. Hannah said, "Just as I suspected... it is just like the ones at the grocery store." We'll let the carrots mature a bit more before we eat any more.

Growing something that actually lives is so fun. This is a great first-year experimental garden. I'm sure next year we'll hopefully do better and do things different.

But for now, we'll enjoy our gynormous zucchini and make some tasty choc-chip zucchini bread or something of the sort.


Kristi said...

I am jealous you have zucchini. And your garden looks great. We had a mega hail storm on 4th of July and it slaughtered everything. I think some things are reviving, but I am afrad we will ahve no cucumbers and possibly no squash. The corn is looking iffy too. Sad.

Julie said...

Your garden looks amazing! Great job! Hope your zucchini was delicious!

Marne said...

YAY! I am so glad things are working out for you! I wish I had planted zuchinni this year. Your kids are loving it! Good job on all your hard work.