Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Independence Day - America the Beautiful

We had a nice and mellow July 4th.

We went to the flag raising bright and early at our bishop's house (don't they have a lovely country house, porch, and yard with all the flowers?!). The cub scouts did it all and then we said the pledge. It was nice.

Then we enjoyed an awesome waffle breakfast at my parents. Jimmy did not think we needed a picture of him with his waffle, but he made it look so tasty with all the fruit and such.

We headed home for naps (yes - every single one of us!). At about 9 p.m., we went with some neighbors to Cabella's to watch the Thanksgiving Point fireworks.

Max just wanted to park himself in front of the mini dvd player. We ate some popcorn and redvines and enjoyed ourselves until the fireworks started. It was miraculous that Max sat still on Jimmy's lap for at least 30 minutes and pointed at the fireworks. He had the best exclamations, "wow", "cool", "whoa".

Abe loved the big ones (and seeing the moon too). Hannah was pretty quiet but said she liked them all, especially the pink fireworks. The kids were completely wiped out by 10:30. But I was glad that we went and enjoyed the once-a-year fireworks.

And what is more American than a beautiful hay field against the mountains. This is the site we came across in Lehi on our travels on the 4th.

We taught the kids America the Beautiful song and I loved hearing Abe sing it. He called it the Marigold song... with amber waves of green...

I feel so blessed to live in America! We have so many opportunities and blessings!

1 comment:

Julie said...

So fun! What a full day you had. I love your hay field! I often wish I could live in the middle of that. :)