Sunday, July 05, 2009

Hot Chocolate Mornings

Every morning we have hot chocolate... yes, even in the summer. It's one more way to get some calcium in Abe's bones.

Max has really begun to like this tradition. Lately he's caught onto helping out by getting the chocolate mix from the pantry. That's a heavy thing for him to lug, I'll tell ya. Then he gets a cup. He loves to open the microwave door after the milk is done warming. And he has 0% patience to wait for me to stir his hot chocolate and put the lid on. But then he gets to enjoy and is smiley once again!!! This kiddo is getting quite clever and independent.


Angela said...

What is up with one year old's who have no patience? Jasper also has ZERO patience.

Before I go to bed at night I scoop out the oatmeal into our bowl so I only have to add water and plop it in the microwave.

I get the bowls, spoons, etc. out so we are as close to ready to go as possible -- as I just can't deal with the impatient screaming first thing in the morning.

Mary said...

I'm like that too when I want hot chocolate. I wish you would come make it for me every day.