Thursday, June 25, 2009

Planetarium ... Sheri Dew ... Missionaries ... Yogurt

#94. Learn something new about a planet

Today we headed to the Free Exhibits at the Clark Planetarium in SLC to learn about the Solar System.

Here's what we did:

- Walked on the Moon

- Walked on Mars

- Touched a Meteor Rock

- Saw an Apollo Astronaut Suit

- Learned that Venus has 0 moons, Jupiter has 23 moons, and Mars has 2 moons.

- Watched the pendulum (which stays stationery) but knocks over little pegs as the earth rotates(at over 700 mph.)

- Weighed ourselves to see how much we would weigh on other planets. Hannah was amazed that she would only weigh 2 lbs on Pluto.

- Realized how windy it is on Jupiter because Abe was blown over when weighing himself on that planet.

- Saw a huge globe of earth and realized there is much more ocean/water than land.

- Acted in a weather broadcast and saw all of the states we have lived in. Watch for that hurricane Hannah!

The kids really enjoyed seeing all the solar system stuff. It was a fun hour of adventure.

Next we headed to eat lunch with Jimmy at the Church Cafeteria. We saw Sheri Dew and I just had to shake her hand (no photos though). I love that woman! She is such an inspiration to me.

We also ran into one of my former young women in TN, Andrea Mower, who is serving her mission on Temple Square. It was a delight to see her! Her companion was from Argentina. Jimmy served in the town she is from and got to speak some Spanish to her.The kids always love to get a huge cup of soda and frozen yogurt (and we love the $). One of the yogurt flavors for the day was Pineapple. It is so fresh and tasty.

Overall - a fun adventurous day at the Planetarium and Temple Square. I love that we live close to inexpensive and fun activities geared to kids and families.

p.s. The highlight of my day actually occurred after dinner when our fam went outside to play. We were neighbor free! Max kept going down the slide and wanted us to clap. Abe was pretending to be Bolt, the super dog. Hannah would throw the frisbee and Abe would fetch it with his mouth. We ate popsicles. Jimmy and I sat on the porch swing and watched the kids enjoy themselves. It was a fun family evening to remember.


Amy D. said...

Cool, cool, fun time!

Reeses Pieces said...

I love eating at the church cafeteria. How funny that you saw Andrea. I was just sitting by her mom at camp yesterday.

Lexie said...

Fun times! I am excited that you got to meet Sheri Dew. I LOVE her! :)