Sunday, June 28, 2009

and then ... the hard drive melted

Yes, it's true. My computer has died it's final death. It was only 2 1/2 years old.

Jimmy resurrected it a time or two with a new fan and power supply. But on Saturday after trying to restart it 10+ times, the hard drive became unrecognizable.

Sooo... now what? I've about had it up to my eyeballs with Windows Vista and Dell Computers. I think we're going to give Apple a try.

Hopefully with our online Mozy backup service our stuff is saved as of a week ago. We'll see how it all works out. I'm crossing my fingers that we didn't lose any important things.

Just do this for me - go and back up your photos and most important documents in case your hard drive decides to take the dive.

Hopefully I'll be back within the week.


Diana said...
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Diana said...

Have fun with the new computer! We just got a mac book & have had a ball, but it is hard for my old brain to learn new things!

Amy D. said...

Too late, too bad, so sad...we lost ours a few weeks ago. We think Apple is the way to go--especially the new iMac! Good luck!

katie and co. said...

Oh I have SO BEEN THERE!!!!! I am glad to see you up and running again but it is so frustrating losing stuff! I am so sorry to hear that about simply fresh...your work is amazing! Let me know what you think about the Mac.