Tuesday, June 30, 2009

light out of darkness

sooo... this hasn't been the most groovy week of all time.

oh wait - it's only tuesday. i guess it's just been a few days of ungrooviness.

there are things that happen that irritate and annoy - not that they are tragic, they just create temporary stress.

but then you see the LIGHT and realize some things are temporal and won't matter in the long run.

Like ... last night we realized that our online back-up service (review to come sometime soon) just plain didn't back up the folder called SimplyFreshDesigns... which so happens to be my entire photocard business. Mozy appears to have backed-up every other folder from our hard drive, except my business, which is why it seems a crazy mystery.

Because our hard-drive is completely unrecoverable (not even the Geek Squad could save it), I now get to start up my gallery again from scratch (only a portion was backed up on our external hard drive). sigh...

You would think that a small-online-business owner would ensure her business files were completely backed-up. I tried I guess since I thought Mozy was reliable. sigh...

And really I wasn't devastated by the loss of files... after all, I knew it wasn't the end of the world. But it is frustrating to think of all the hours of work lost.

BUT I feel so blessed to have the important things in my life.

Before bed last night I was reading a conference talk by Elder Stevenson about 'Sacred Homes, Sacred Temples'. It was a great talk to emphasize eternal perspective.

"You are never lost when you can see the temple. The temple will provide direction for you and your family in a world filled with chaos. It is an eternal guidepost which will help you from getting lost in the 'mist of darkness'.

I liked his reminders to make our homes as special, clean, and spiritual as temples... the important thing to focus on with our family and home.

"The ultimate purpose of all we teach is to unite parents and children in faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, that they are happy at home, sealed in an eternal marriage, linked to their generations, and assured of exaltation in the presence of our Heavenly Father." (President Boyd K. Packer)

And that was LIGHT which cheered me during my ungroovy week.

More LIGHT that cheered my soul:
Today when the kids and I were watching the old Parent Trap movie (on VHS even!), Max looked over and pointed to the painting of Jesus on the wall. He said, "Jez." That may not seem significant, but to me it was. I only placed it on the wall last night and I don't think he's seen that particular painting before. And I didn't know he knew how to say 'Jesus.' He kept pointing and looking and saying His name. It was a tender mercy in my day reminding me of all that is important and good in my life.
I am BLESSED. There is always LIGHT in Christ to brighten life.


Lexie said...

Oh Heather, I am so sorry about your hard drive! It is so hard to keep up on things like......backing up your computer! I appreciate you sharing your "real life" struggles and bits of hope through uplifting messages. It helps me! Thankyou! :)

Amy D. said...

Condolences on losing your SFD stuff and the hard drive. That really is a bummer.

And, I do believe that our littlest ones really do recognize Jesus and love him. Sigh, I love little ones!

abby's photo shoppe said...

Um, my husband is the MASTERY of computer problem solving and recovery. I kid you not. He is ALWAYS fixing things that others cannot. If you want to see if there is something he can do just email me some of the details of what happened to your hard drive and I could ask him.... He has saved many a hard drive that our friends have been told were unrecoverable.
It's worth a try!
Good luck!