Tuesday, June 09, 2009

I think someday I'll miss this

The other day I closed the door for privacy in the bathroom. Max, who follows me around the house, started banging on the door with a bowl.

Then his little fingers came under the door trying to get in. I wished I had a picture of those little chubby fingers poking under.

Even though I treasure silence and moments alone, I realized that someday I would miss my kids following me around and needing to be close to mama.

I really don't take my camera into the restroom with me, but I always think Max is funny trying to figure out the sink so I posed him for a photo. He actually held still and quite enjoyed his perch on the stool.

I also thought it was funny to see this on the mirror one day, thanks to Abe I suppose. (Never mind the spots please!).
On extra-wearing days, I keep reminding myself that I'll miss things about these energetic kids when they grow up and are no longer little.

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

Yeah, little ones needing you is a special thing.