Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Exercise, Bikes, Writing, Surprise Paintings, Stinky Blankies

I keep wondering why boys have so many wiggles (like during FHE last night!). Somehow all of that pizazz and spirit must help them be good dads, missionaries, athletes, etc. I guess my job is to help these boys FOCUS all their energy into good things.

A few weeks ago Abe had an especially wiggly sacrament meeting. I asked him later why he couldn't hold still and he said, "I was just trying to exercise." I really don't blame him because the day before was our 9-hour car trip. I'm thinking that timing and finding an appropriate location is key in regard to exercise.

Here are some randoms with Abe from the past week or so:

Abe now loves his bike. He was hesitant to get on at first because it was so much higher than his trike, but he's a pro at peddling now. He loves bike rides with Jimmy. He positioned himself for this photo so he wasn't in too bright of sun.

The first (and only!) day I pulled out workbooks, Abe just kept going and going for 1 1/2 hours. He was having fun doing patterns with the colors. I hope he keeps up his excitement during the summer so he'll remember things for kindergarten.

I found this painting under my pillow one night. I wasn't sure who it was from, but the next day Abe saw it by my bed and with the hugest smile proclaimed it was painted by him - at his friend Seven's house. I love this painting and I love that he thought to put it under my pillow for a surprise.

I love that Abe wants to give our baby hugs and kisses already. I guess I'll take all the wiggles and ants-in-the-pants and crazy burps and spitting that come with boys - as long as Abe keeps his lil' tender heart and wants me to sing him 'I am a Child of God' every night.

This is also big news in Abe's world. When he turned 4, he said he wouldn't suck his thumb at night any more... well... that didn't happen. I didn't push it because we had just moved twice in the past six months and had a new baby.

So once again, this year he said when he was 5 he wouldn't suck his thumb anymore. We keep asking him if he sucks his thumb and he keeps saying no. Hurray! I asked if he slept with his blankie anymore. He said he just snuggles it up to his face to go to sleep without sucking his thumb. But he also said, "Sometimes my blankie stinks. It smells like meat." Ewwww - we'll be sure to wash more frequently!

We sure love Abe.


Amy D. said...

Abe is a special babe! I love you, buddy!

Laura said...

I love that his blankie smells like meat. Funny!