Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Enjoy Chocolate

#113 on our list of summer activities is 'Enjoy Chocolate'. So that is what we set out to do today.

I have been signing up for the Free Friday RealChocolate.com campaign. The program allows you to get 4 free coupons for a candy bar over the summer. Since we had 2 already, I let Hannah and Abe take their coupon to pick one out at Walmart. They were so excited all morning.

And what did they both pick? M&M's

After Walmart I went to the bank and the lady gave us 3 dum-dums for the kids.

As we were driving away Abe said:"Today is the best day of my life." (he has been speaking in absolutes lately)

Hannah said: "Today is my lucky day. I have a lot of lucky days." Then we talked about how maybe her good days weren't luck - but blessings. Not that candy really matters, but it's a fun thing for her.

Anyhoo... today is our fun chocolate day!

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

You guys are doing a fabulous job of enjoying every day!