Monday, June 22, 2009

yoga ... weeds ... picnic ... s'mores ... sleep ... zzzzzz

Today I set out to mark a few activities off our 115 list of things to do this summer (we are going to run out of days if we don't get-a-goin'!). It turned out to be a fun day.

The kids and I did yoga this morning (hoping to help my sciatic nerve pain). It was pretty much hilarious to watch all of us. Hannah enjoyed it. Abe kept losing his balance and falling down but he sure tried. Max was wandering all over the place and pulling everything out of the desk drawer and entertainment cupboard. It wasn't extremely relaxing for me, but it was very entertaining to attempt as a family.

Jimmy worked from home today and ended up helping with a few things out in the yard. I decided I could conquer the masses of weeds in the flower bed that accumulated during all the rainstorms. They were much easier to pull than I thought so we tackled that job. Our fam worked together and pulled those weeds. I like when we have successful working-together projects as a fam. It's nice to see the result of hard-work.

During quiet time the kids wrote a little book. Abe drew and wrote about the Planet Heroes and Hannah wrote about a Super Hero (book yet to be finished as it is very involved and long).

Then tonight we headed up Provo Canyon to South Fork Park for a Pizza Picnic in the Mountains. We met Jimmy's sister Julie who treated us to some nice lessons in Lacrosse. I seriously think I'd be scared to death to be running around on a field with everyone holding a stick and tossing a hard ball around. Julie is awesome!

I love South Fork Park with it's privacy, large play field, little stream, and great views.

We ended up finding an abandoned campfire that was going out. We slightly revived it long enough to roast our marshmallows for s'mores. We went on a slight 5-minute "hike" on the trail and headed home.

Overall, we had a great time on our FHE activity tonight. I seriously wonder how anyone goes camping with an 18-month old. Max required constant attention with us an inch away so he wouldn't wander into the stream or the fire. NOT SAFE!

I am lovin' our 115 things to do during summer list. We don't do them every day, but it has provided some new activities to divert boredom for the kids.

Some days I'm not up for anything but today turned out to be fun. I do need to have more patience with the kids when the whining starts after a long day though. sigh...

And now I'm off for a restful night's sleep - hopefully!

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

What an awesome day! I totally love all the things you are doing!!! Happy summer to you!