Sunday, April 26, 2009

workin' on a few things

So after my Family First post, I've been thinking a lot about LOVE. I do love my family (though I could use a wee bit more patience lately).

I do have compassion for my interesting neighbors but I do know I could try harder to love them and see them as Christ sees them. I don't think I have to surrender the needs of my family - but I can do better to have greater patience with them. This is something I'm workin' on.

This quote in the visiting teaching message this month was a good one to remind me to immerse myself in the scriptures more which will help me lift others!
"As you become more and more familiar with the truths of the scriptures, you will be more and more effective in keeping the second great commandment, to love your neighbor as yourself. Become scholars of the scriptures—not to put others down, but to lift them up! After all, who has any greater need to 'treasure up' the truths of the gospel (on which they may call in their moments of need) than do women and mothers who do so much nurturing and teaching?" (President Spencer W. Kimball: "The Role of Righteous Women," Ensign, Nov. 1979, 102).

The other thing I'm going to work on this next year is saving pennies for a fence. We were going to put one in this year but the funds are going elsewhere (ya know - baby, c-section expenses, necessary new mattress to accomodate all family members' sleeping needs, normal life, and such).

We are paying half for a teeny-tiny portion of a fence (because our neighbor is putting it in) and just our half is $400. Yowsers... makes me realize why the rest of the fence isn't happenin' this year - it would be about $4,000 to finish the rest. I suppose we could go with the chicken wire option like one of our neighbors. Not quite up to HOA standards, but... it's a fence.

I wanted to have a fence before a swingset just so the tots are contained, but it just wasn't quite comparable in price. Sigh... Whose idea was it - this entire $money$ thing?? I highly doubt there is money in heaven. Keep on swimming... swimming... swimming...

Sooooo... workin' on lovin' others, finding patience, savin' pennies, and swimmin'.


Amy D. said...

Ha! I totally hear ya on the $$ issues. Our kids think everyone should have lots of money.

Then there are famous people who have oodles of money and can go stay in a villa in France for two weeks, have a beach house in Martha's Vineyard and spend a week in the Bahamas with their kids every year. Oh, and the house in Canada and the "apartment" in New York. It's baffling. But fortunate for them. That's Michael J. Fox, by the way, and since he's really sick with a progressive disease, I guess I wouldn't want to be him.

Having all that dough would make some things in life easier, it seems. But I'll never know that for sure ;).

katie and co. said...

I need a little sign like the one you did for your LOVE post to put on my fridge. Oh how I wish I had your talented abilities!!!!!

Lexie said...

I am hearing about all the neighbor kids coming over......I KNOW I wouldn't have patience for that! I love play dates but on our schedule. Thanks for the beautiful ended up being printed and passed out to teenagers as our scripture study for the night since it was a busy night. :)

Lexie said...

Oh, and I am with you on the money thing is really necessary???