Wednesday, April 29, 2009

There is Beauty All Around - especially the Tulips

While Abe was at preschool, Hannah, Max, and I headed to one of the last days of the Tulip Festival at Thanksgiving Point.

I'd never been to the main gardens before so I was excited to see the glorious and colorful beauty. And it was lovely. It was great weather with fresh air, sunshine, and a slight breeze. I really enjoyed being in the rejuvenating outdoors. I really would take 70 degrees all summer long.Hannah's favorite part was seeing the Secret Garden (bottom right photo). I loved the orangish/yellow and coral colored tulips (bottom left corner). I want to plant oodles of tulips in my yard for cheer.

Max, did not enjoy the tulips. He did not enjoy his stroller.  He did not enjoy much of anything ... EXCEPT  his moments of freedom.  Wherever we walked, he went the opposite way. He certainly has a mind of his own. That baby!

Hannah rolled down the hill of the amphitheater and enjoyed walking along the pond near the waterfall. Her quote about the waterfalls: "I just loved them. Loved them."

Max was funny going down the hill. He must not have dared to walk because he kept scooting like he was climbing backwards down the stairs.

The real story of Max's experience at the gardens is evidenced in the photo below. He cried for 75% of the time and whined the other 25%. I think his 4th molar is about to break through. I even had given him pain medicine before we left. Poor, poor Maxwell! and Poor, poor mom (and other garden guests) who had to deal with him!

So, with Max in tears, Hannah's feet hurting, and Mom at her wit's end, we left the gardens. And then I remembered why it's sometimes easier to just stay home and not go anywhere with tots. sigh...

Hopefully our Tulip Festival memories will be filled with the beautiful creations, fresh air, lovely green grass, magnificent sound of rushing water and waterfalls, and brightly colored flowers galore.


Christine said...

I love the pictures! Tulips are my favorite and love the see them

Sally said...

Beautiful Photos! {thats a great one of you!} I love tulips and have always wanted to hit that festival...sometime.

Love the post above. You always get me thinking when I visit your blog!

Diana said...

I love tulips! Our just happened to be getting covered in snow!

Reeses Pieces said...

I love these pics. I used to always take my kiddos to the tulip fest. Don't you love Thanksgiving Point?

Stacey said...

I love your pictures! They are beautiful. I also thought the one of Max crying was hilarious. That is a great shot to have. The tulips are amazing. I am glad you posted it.

Cheri said...

I've always wanted to go Thanksgiving Point. It wasn't completed till we were on our way out of Utah. I certainly can relate to the tears -- but keep going places! It gets you all some fresh air and makes the kids smarter!