Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ordinary Joys

Lately I've felt like a complainer about my blessings (see John Bytheway's 'How to be Totally Miserable' book.)

Truth is, I feel blessed in so many ways and I need to acknowledge the Lord's hand in my life... with big huge monumental things and with simple little things.

A year ago we weren't sure where we'd live. We were shopping for a house. And I'm grateful we found a new one that fits the needs of our family. It's a blessing to be where we're at with Jimmy's job, our home, our nice ward, having most of our yard finished, to live in a great country, etc.

Even though we've had annoying health things like sinus infections, colds, ear infections, pregnancy nausea, overall our health is okay. I feel for so many who deal with huge and hard health things. I know they are blessed with strength and courage. (This amazing lady, {Sherrie Johnson}, is the mother of a friend from Memphis. Click on her photo to read her story. I love her faith, perspective, courage, and insight.)

Feeling glad to be at home with my kids. It's hard some days. I feel more like a referee than nurturer. At the end of the day sometimes I wish I had done things differently - spent more time chatting with kids than being busy. My house may never be as tidy as I desire, but I'm realizing tots grow quickly and a less-than-tidy house isn't the end of the world. Overall - I'm really, really grateful I can stay home when my tots are young and be around when they want and need me.

Grateful for Jimmy. Sometimes I complain that he's not doing things the same way as I would (silly me!), but what would I do without all his hard work, especially when he picks up all the pieces when I'm feeling crummy and plum-worn-out.

Our finally-paid-off van hasn't died yet. Yay!

Our garden might actually survive. Maybe? We still have hope for it at this point - though we still haven't transplanted our indoor plants. They hit a slight bump when we left them outside overnight and all of a morning instead of just one hour. Oops!

We have more food storage than we've ever had before. I have 'miles to go before I sleep', but we're taking baby steps and it feels good.

Love these neat {Antique Style Religious Paintings}. They have a bunch of prints on sale which would be fun to get for the kid's rooms. I'm finally finding some fun decorations that I'd like in our house. Now - to save those pennies.

Lovin' homemade Orange Julius and {French Bread}. French Bread seems so much easier to make than normal bread. Perhaps it's more forgiving of the baker.

To remind myself of things that are good and pleasant and cheerful, I started this new site.

It may not be full of intense depth and doctrine, but it is bright and inspiring to me in a fun way. (I also like tumblr blogs because you can link your pictures to the original source)


Diana said...

Wow Heather, thanks so much for your blog full of insights! I love the inspiration & thought that you put in it! I am excited to look at your ORDINARY JOYS. How fun & I have to say that I think your children & husband are very lucky to have you!

Sally said...

I am off to make my list of ordinary joys! LOVE IT. Thank you!

angela said...

Good post--I don't think our garden will survive, but maybe that means it will someday in the future and this is a learning curve...anyway, as I was cleaning the kitchen like crazy tonight and Noah wanted me to come out and pitch to him and I looked at him and he said "I know, you are too busy....can I do something to help?" And I felt bad. Yet it's so hard not to always be busy...Anyways....Good list...