Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Temple Square & Art Exhibit

Despite a rainy day, we headed to SLC to have lunch with Jimmy at the Church Office Building. Hannah has spring break this entire week and we wanted to do a few special things.

Hannah adores the hamburgers and frozen yogurt at the cafeteria. Max kept begging for food from one lady who kept feeding him peas. He had a delightful time. Even Abe found a few things to enjoy eating there.

Temple Square was most lovely with all the flowers and green grass. Hannah loved the daffodils and said they were like a tea cup sitting on a mini plate.

Before we left SLC, we went to see the special Art Exhibit at the Conference Center. It showcases almost 200 pieces of art from 44 countries which are all based on the theme "Remembering the great things of God".

We had to zip through since Max was a whiner in his stroller and wanted to get out and run around. That would have added a bit more excitement for the cute senior missionaries falling asleep at their posts. But we kept him strapped in and zoomed along!

The kids enjoyed seeing the different pieces of art. Abe said he liked them all. Hannah liked pieces of flowers, butterflies, and babies.

These were a few of the favorites. I think the artist's explanation is part of the experience - their inspiration for creating.

These were my top THREE - probably because they struck an emotional cord in me.

I loved this one of Eve... though the painting doesn't remind me of Eve. It reminds me of a pioneer gal. But I must have connected with the expression (and blonde hair!), the sky, and lighting, and the meaning behind the painting.

Moroni - I just plain want my boys to be as valiant and good and morally strong as Moroni.

Sweet and good Ester - I liked this representation of her kneeling in prayer and fasting.

Here's the Online Version of the exhibit (I don't think it's complete - but has most): 8th International Art Competition. If you're in Salt Lake before October and are up for a free art exhibit, this is a fun one that can be made quick with kids.


Alison said...

Oh how fun! I LOVE the flowers on Temple Square! They are beautiful and so springy. Wish I could see them! I'm happy to at least see them in your photo. Cute of you and Hannah too! Those are some neat examples of the art exhibit. You're so good to do those things with your kids. What a fun outing!

Oh, and your swingset is coming along great. Good thing for a wonderful husband that keeps building swingsets for your kiddos everytime you move. It looks like a super fun one your kids will love!

April said...

oh my gosh- I need to go to that art show- Was there a good Tree of life painting? I'm looking for the perfect "Tree of Life" painting...

look at the flowers...this is pure evidence that I am doing something wrong with my flowers...my tulips are just weird- half of them never bloom...

Be calm and carry on- love that.

Your husband work at the church office?

Jan said...

How fun. We went to eat lunch with Blake on Monday at his work. I felt really out of place with our three kids young with a bunch of smart professional people. I love the picture with you and Hannah and the flowers. The art exhibit looks cool. It would be fun to see.

Callie said...

Sounds like a fun day! I'm glad you enjoyed yourselves!

Amy D. said...

Mom said this was really nice and it looks amazing. Happy spring break, Hannah!