Monday, April 13, 2009

Swingset - Comin' right along

Jimmy has made some excellent progress on the swingset this weekend. This shows a few of the steps. The first few didn't quite pass mother's safety inspection with the railings missing (didn't seem to bother Hannah and Max) but today all that was finally resolved (so I hopefully won't freak out when the kids go up to the 5-foot platform).

The next steps are to build swings off to the left of the slide and monkey bars right of this structure - oh, and Abe reminds us that we need a roof... that will come along too. Hannah is ready for me to sand the entire thing since she really doesn't want a splinter.

All of Jimmy's hard work is paying off as the kids are so excited.  Abe got a sunburn today playing outside so much - oh the joys! Max LOVES the slide - loves it!  And Hannah is brave as can be and enjoys it all.

p.s. We will be excited for all the neighbors to finish their yards (sigh!), for the house to be completed next door, and to have a fence and privacy someday .... someday.


Amy D. said...

I'm glad you get one of these again. Your kids are just the right ages to really enjoy it. Yeah, Jimmy!

Angela said...

is jimmy the wonder-Dad just designing this swingset himeself? does he buy the parts (slide, climbing wall), etc. a la carte? we were tempted to get the $1300 swingset at costco, but it is too big for our yard -- if we want an in ground tramp and pool. this swingset jimmy is building looks GREAT! give me the scoop please. :>