Monday, April 20, 2009

Swingset Update

Here's the latest on the swingset. I think all it needs now is a roof. Jimmy conquered the swings and monkey bars this weekend. The kids are beside themselves with delight.

Abe battled his own El Guapo (fear of heights) and finally made it up to the platform. Jimmy told him he'd have to take the swingset back if he couldn't enjoy it and climb all the way up. So then he just braved it all and now he's not scared a bit. You go Abe!

Hannah caught onto the monkey bars so quickly. I thought she'd be scared at how high they were, but she figured them out and zipped through it. It must be all the bananas she eats! Here's a video of her new skill.

Max loves the swing (and squeals with delight) and climbing the rock wall (soooo not safe if you ask me!). He likes to act like a big kid and chase all the other kids around.

You can see from the photo and video why I dream of a fence to hide the lovely dumpster, house construction, and such... oh wait - really I have nightmares about creepy vampires, but that has nothing to do with swingsets.

But no matter the scenery, the kids don't mind... they love watching the tractors do their thing... and they love playing and imagining and running around enjoying their childhood.


Lexie said...

Love those swings........we have been looking. Did Jimmy design and build it himself or did you buy a kit? We looked at a place in Salt Lake but not sure we can fork over that much moolah. :)

Amy D. said...

That was sooo cute, Hannah! Remind you of good ole days, Carol?! Awesome swing set, Jimmy!