Monday, April 20, 2009

Max @ 16 months

Well - Mr. Maxwell hit the 16 month mark on Saturday ... which means he only has 2 more months until he's officially in nursery. We occasionally sneak him in for play time and we hang out to put out any fires. Hopefully he'll get used to nursery and have no transition issues... hopefully?

This video of Max is totally silly - but it shows at the beginning how he tries to cheese-it for the camera with his squinty eyes. Then I think he realized it wasn't a picture and was being his silly self. He loves to hang out on the couch but he soon will be banned so he won't topple over the top.

Not much else going on with this tot.
- Molar #2 finally broke through so Max is much more delightful.
- He loves spicy foods and will eat a huge variety of foods (well, that is ... compared to our other tots).
- My favorite thing that he says is when he yells "Han-nah" to have her come.
- I've been trying to teach Max to give hugs and kisses. The other day I asked for a lovie and he came crashing into me and then laid his head on my shoulder. He is definitely a boy!

I liked Jimmy's comments about Max's life at the present:
- he's a good kid
- likes to play with his parents and siblings
- is a handful at church

And that about sums it up. We sure love our Max!


Alisa said...

I am counting the days until Addyson goes to nursery. I may actually go to class. Yeah!! What a cutie Max is.

Amy D. said...

I love how Dad's are so concise and accurate in assessing kids! Good update, Heath. You and your kids will treasure the journaling you do for them. The BEST baby book ever!

Katie said...

He is adorable!

shauna said...

Just wanted to let you know that whenever I feel like I need a pick-me-up, I come to your blog. It's so happy and inspiring and delightful. Awesome new playset too!