Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Hamburgers!!!

You see, it went like this. Hamburgers and hotdogs were the plan for Saturday so we had fresh meat and buns all ready to go. But then we went mattress shopping and didn't eat supper at our house.

In an effort to 'waste not, want not', we decided that Easter or not, we ought to use up the fresh products. I was in a tizzy about it because I'm a huge fan of traditional holiday foods - au gratin tators, ham, rolls, etc. I decided I would have to make my Easter dinner later this week.

Hannah rolled her eyes and exclaimed, "Easter hamburgers".   She thoroughly enjoyed them, nontheless.  I have to admit, they were rather tasty ones especially considering they contained ground beef (something I struggle with especially when prego). So - yep - there's our memory of our nontraditional Easter Sunday supper.

Here are the kids one year ago - Easter 2008:

See how they've grown - Easter 2009!

I liked this one of Hannah and Max. She was trying to keep him sitting down since he was such a wiggle during photo time. I like the contrast in the color of their eyes.

Our Easter was good. We had Stake Conference which made for a long sit for the kids. Julie and Paul had to bail out on our Sunday dinner plans which was disappointing for all, but then the kids perked right up when we announced we could head to Grandma and Grandpa's. We haven't been up there for months with the weather and me not feeling well. It was fun for all! Grandma Beck turns 92 this week and so we got to see her too.

A few things I want to do different next year:
- Do Easter Bunny and baskets on Saturday. I think it's fun for the kids but I don't want it to be the focus of Easter.

- Sunday morning have a tasty breakfast (something that we would turn into an Easter morning tradition like cinnamon rolls and omelets or something that the kids would look forward to). Then watch a church movie about Christ to teach focus on the resurrection.  I want it to be something the kids might look forward to - just not in the Easter Bunny way.  Hmmm...

I'll have to brainstorm during the next year, but I know I just didn't do the best this year at keeping the focus balanced.


Alison said...

I love the last year photo and this year photo! Isn't it fun to see how they grow? I love the difference between Hannah and Max's eyes too. What darling kiddos. Sounds like a wonderful Easter, hamburgers and all! My kids would be in heaven if I did that on Sunday. And I like your ideas about Easter morning. Glad you had a nice Easter!

Jess said...

Your kids are adorable! Easter hamburgers sound really good. I love your ideas for next Easter. I might have to steal them. :)

Amy D. said...

Love, love, love your ideas for Easter next year. Max's eyes are so bright. And I love Hannah's dark ones. The kids grow so much every year! Your dinner sounds delicious, too. Ah, a good day.

Amanda said...

Here's something fun that we do on Easter morning. It was in the April 2003 Friend.

April 2003 FriendIt's in the "For Little Friends" section. We make the Disappearing Marshmallow rolls. It's fun for the kids to make and the roll turns out hollow on the inside - to remind them that the tomb was empty on the third day.

I love your great ideas!