Friday, April 03, 2009

Speaking of blue

After reading the Giver...
and then after eating blueberries this week...
I just had to continue onto Gathering Blue, the next in the Lois Lowry Series.

But Gathering Blue ended so abruptly. I just read it in the last year or two and I guess I forgot how it ended. I kept expecting to have resolution to the storyline but then - the end. I know the author leaves room for your imagination - but I just need her to write it eloquently so I can know what happens.

So then of course I had to read The Messenger. Phew - good thing I did. It resolved Gathering Blue for me. But now ... I just need a 4th book so I can know what happens with blue eyes.

Some good reads in my mind. The Messenger had some interesting themes with those in the community trading their deepest and best traits for superficial things such as beauty, youth, frivolous toys. Very interesting books to get the mind thinking about our culture, what we value, how we treat others. All - very interesting!


Anonymous said...

I read The Giver a year or so ago and didn't realize there were more books. Thanks for the post. I'll have to check out these other books.

abby's photo shoppe said...

Thanks for your input. We are choosing new books in June and these look really good for our Book Club books.