Monday, March 16, 2009

workin' on progress 'round here ... points for efforts?

A few folks have asked about our chore charts. Here's the scoop on how it's going and answering a few questions.

I created my initial chart in Microsoft Word with an entirely too complicated chart that I did the hard way.  Hannah's new chart below I pieced together in Photoshop Elements.

Once I finally get the charts set in stone, I think I'm going to laminate it and then just wipe it off for the next week (my printer is on it's last leg and can't handle printing things that often). (by the way... what is the best type of marker that will easily wipe off lamination?? anyone know?  is dry erase the answer.  It always seems to leave color behind.  Crayola?  Help?!)

Last week went okay.  The kids were excited to do things and mark them off.  It was interesting to see what worked for each kid.  I'm sure I could add more tasks and we'd survive but I'm still working on simple for my sake.

My friend Jenni put together a chart like this one. I had this chart but couldn't imagine how to make all the chores fit until I saw Jenni's. So I put this together for Hannah who liked it better than her first one.  I guess she's all about color and cute.

Abe kept wanting every single thing he was supposed to do on the chart... like breakfast, go to school, etc. And he was very particular on the order. If I ask him to do the dishwasher, he doesn't want to do it until everything else above is completed... so we're working on that. I started doing a larger version like Hannah wanted but he preferred this simple one. I think it was easier to understand. To each his own.

If anyone is interested, here are the links for the images I used.

Kate Hadfield's Chore Chart

Kate added some lunch box images (FREEBIES)

Shanl Parish Chore Chart on PcCrafter

Amy Dott Harmer Primary ColorMe Kids (kid's praying)


Angie said...

Are you super-mom, Heather? How do you do it all? I love the chore charts!!

Amy D. said...

Those are the cutest chore charts ever. Mom started a great tradition that is more and more changable and colorful with computer assistance. You make it work so great, Heath!

Jenni Taysom said...

we use dry erase markers. they erase best just by rubbing off with a dry finger. I've also thought about finding a "grease pencil" they work well on laminated stuff, bit so far the dry erase is working.
Hannah's chart tuned out cute - I didn't even think to recolor the gray areas - that makes it more fun and cute.

Jenna said...

I just love your charts! Being a teacher :) I would say for lamination the best markers are the ones you can buy at a teacher store & they are transparency markers. Then you can wipe off easily with water & tissue or even better are baby wipes!