Saturday, March 14, 2009

looking forward to...

BBQ Pork sandwiches,
Crash Hot Tators,
Haystacks (a favorite of everyone's in my fam),
Broccoli Soup (uMmmm!)
Shepherd's Pie (I love this meal because it's comfort food),
and Chicken Salad Sandwiches (love those things)

I love this spiritual boost. I've also really enjoyed rereading and clobbering with personal notes last October's messages.  Too many favorites to list! What an uplift they are.

Today we let the kids play outside and the wind was a little too chilly for my liking. But we had sunshine and that is always a good thing.

THE DAY WHEN MAX WILL MIND MOTHER (and stop hitting me when he doesn't get his way!!):
I can't just sit on the swing or porch and supervise outdoor play these days. Max is a maniac about wanting to go where he wants, when he wants... like down the sidewalk into forever and into the road. This babe will learn limits, I'll tell ya. He's turned into a true toddler with his wiggle that makes it impossible to hold and carry. I wish fences weren't so crazy expensive!! Save me!

Jimmy, my awesome man, put together our Square Foot Garden box today. We went to the Close Out section of the Local Brick Yard and got the textured cinderblocks and capstones for SUPER cheap.

I guess we'll see how we like it. I need to replace the rocks/dirt with the SFG mix. I'm not an expert gardener and hopefully I will have more common sense with plants than with my homemade bread making skills.

We are starting small to see how we manage this one 4x4 box (same box - different view in the photo). Maybe we'll make another next year if any plants survive this summer. Wish us luck! All you expert gardeners, feel free to send tips my way.


erin said...

Can I come to your house for dinner this week? :) Everything sounds so yummy!

keller said...

The square foot garden technique is great I loved it! We did that a couple of years ago. We now expanded to a walk through garden using the square foot gardening idea. Good luck with it. You will find it addicting. I loved watching my little garden grow. I was out there everyday petting it.:)