Saturday, March 07, 2009

This is Max

Lately, I love to ask Max questions. Sometimes he acts like I haven't said anything. Sometimes he responds with a head nod 'yes' or head shake 'no'. Jimmy says you can't get a straight story from a one-year-old but it's still funny to see how he responds.

After a bath. "Are you cold?" nodded yes

Eating lunch. "Is it yum?" nodded yes

Playing on mom's bed. "Are you ready for a big boy bed?" almost nodded yes, but then a big no.

After a little bonk. "Is your head okay?" no

"Do you want a bottle?" nodded yes

"Do you want to take a nap?" nodded yes

"Do you like your kickball shirt?" a silly giggly laugh


Shauna said...

Those pictures are ADORABLE! What a cutie.

Steph and Eric said...

I wish you and Max (and your darling others) lived next door. I think Max and Warner could be best friends. Your Max has got to the cutest thing EVER!!!

Alisa said...

He is such a cutie! I just love how much they understand even though they can't talk as well. It is so amazing to me.

Alison said...

He's darling Heath! Love that cute little smile.

Amy D. said...

Cute comments and cutest photo strip.