Friday, March 06, 2009


I've been thinking this week about P.M.A. (Positive Mental Attitude)... not to be confused with P.M.S.  :)

I've been realizing I've been more of a whiner lately than a positive example of cheerfulness in my home. I think it's a time when I need to make extra efforts to keep my spirits perky and positive.

This quote came to mind as I lay awake at 4 a.m. the other night.

So true - eh? Life need not be viewed as drudgery chores. Though sometimes it seems as such. I just needed the reminder that life is an adventure ... to love and spread cheer to others... especially my own fam.

This talk by President Ezra Taft Benson, {Do Not Despair} is one Jimmy brought home recently after a recommendation from a meeting at work.

The theme: "To help us from being overcome by the devil’s designs of despair, discouragement, depression, and despondency, the Lord has provided at least a dozen ways which, if followed, will lift our spirits and send us on our way rejoicing."

Doesn't it seem like one of Satan's greatest tactics for women these days is discouragement, negative thoughts, and despair. That Satan! Makes me want to show him a thing or two about my agency and that I can CHOOSE to make the best of things and keep faith and HOPE in Christ.

I keep using my blog as an INSPIRATION board for myself. Sorry!  But, I guess it's all a part of me somehow ... in a random way.

As a sidenote of cheer. The kids are so excited that the snow melted. So we headed outside to run around. Max had never walked on grass before and he kept saying, "Whoa" and was scared. After a while he caught onto walking on spongy-ness and loved it... until he found the mud and I took him in.  Lots o' fun for kids to play outside.


Lexie said...

good thoughts and cute kids! :)

Katie said...

I love reading your blog, and all your positive reminders. Thanks for posting such great thoughts!