Friday, March 27, 2009

Talent Show

For Art Week at Hannah's school, each class had a talent show. I thought it was a great way for kid's to practice performing in front of kids they felt comfortable with and in a familiar environment.

Some kids told jokes, one boy built an airplane with legos, a bunch of girls did cartwheels and backbends, some displayed their art work, a boy played the violin, a girl balanced a bowl on her head, and Hannah's friend played the piano.

Miss Hannah wanted to hula-hoop.

So, on Tuesday she had her class talent show and then she got a 'call-back' to be in the Kindergarten grade level talent show today.

On Tuesday she was pretty nervous but got right up there. She didn't dare face the audience so she stood sideways and faced her teacher. She said she was too scared to smile.

TODAY she faced the audience, had a mini-smile and even did a little jump at the end. Tremendous!!!

This video shows today's performance. Mostly I love the awesome videography by Jimmy. He was watching Hannah instead of the camera and when clapping at the end dropped the camera. What a great dad to cheer on his girlie though!

This is what her performance was like - redone at home.


Amy D. said...

Oh, Hannah! You make it look so effortless. Hmm, reminds me of your grandma ;)

Jolene said...

Wow, Hannah, you are a great hula-hooper. Very impressed.

angela said...

Wow--she is super! That is so cute!