Friday, March 27, 2009

Home School

This week Hannah initiated home-pre-school for Abe. She, of course, is the teacher and comes up with all sorts of activities. She told Abe he had to write 10 words. I, the principal, recommended him only doing 5 with Hannah's help since he's never had to spell words before. But, it's good that she challenges his little mind in a way that is fun for him.

Here is story time. I love that she can read to Abe.
Yesterday the kids made some brown bag puppets. Today Abe requested a zebra and a fish puppet. So, we found some good templates online and he cut them out by himself. Jimmy helped him know where to glue. He was quite proud of his efforts.


Lexie said...

I love the pic of those 2 together. It is my favorite thing when my kids are getting along and being buddies.

Ann Marie said...

That's so cute! It's nice having older ones, huh? So cute!

Amy D. said...

Wow, Hannah is a great big sister! And the puppets are so cute. Abe is a good big kid.

Cheri said...

Yea for Hannah and Abe! We like this post (me and Alana).