Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My Meal-Plan Blog

A few friends inquired about the meals I included on my 6-week meal plan.

I've been in a debate about how to organize my recipes. I love having them digital so I can search them. Thanks to my sistah Mary who retyped many of the recipes for her reorganized cookbook and graciously shared some with me.

But I also love having them in a cookbook. Years ago my family put together an awesome cookbook. I had the initial version and after all these years it needs some reorganizing. So, I'm working on getting my own printed cookbook reorganized and put into 3 separate half-binders instead of just one.

Anyhoo ... my point is that I started a blog for my own benefit to start organizing the main recipes I am using. They may all change with summertime coming, but it's a start. is the place to find the downloads for blank and my completed meal plan, if anyone is interested. Don't expect anything fantastic here. It's pretty basic.

Free free to share your ideas or recipes with me too.


Mary said...

Well, that is AWESOME. So much work too! Thanks for sharing Heather! Good work.

Marne said...

Well aren't you just amazing! I have lots of catching up to do on your blog Heather! I love getting inspirational ideas from you. Thanks for sharing!

Kristin Sokol said...

You go girl! Way to make it easy for everyone.

I changed my blog address to
so your link to my blog won't work anymore unless you change it to the new blog address.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Will you do me a favor and leave me a comment so I know you changed your link and found my new blog address.
