Thursday, March 05, 2009


I went to a stake Enrichment a few weeks ago and this CES speaker Roger McKenzie gave a super message. A few key points I liked:
"Do more than LOOK, learn to SEE!... that is the foundation of DISCOVERY!"

"Change your BELIEF in how you see yourself (remember you are a daughter of God) and it will help change results/outcomes in your life."

Finding LOVE in healthy ways.

Use your enthusiasm and passion for LIFE to change the lives of others.
He talked about using all that energy you wake up with to do good, be good, and bless others. I liked this quote that he has hanging on his door in his home.

I personally don't wake up with much energy on most days ... which means I need to ensure that with the energy I do have, it needs to be spent on ESSENTIAL things.

It's not worth spending energy on bitter conversations in my head about my wacko neighbors. It's not worth spending time on things that only drain my energy (well - kids would be the exception there).... mostly things of the world that suck hope and life and confidence out of you.... etc, etc...

His message reminded me to surround myself with good things that will build my belief in who I am as a Daughter of God.

He also talked about recognizing the power you have as a Mother in Israel. (story of Deborah: "I Deborah ... arose a mother in Israel." Judges 5:7)

anyhoo... lots of good things to think about.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Great reminders Heather, thanks for posting them!