Saturday, March 21, 2009

Chocolate Chip Cookies

I know I shouldn't blog about Healthy Snacks and Chocolate Chip Cookies on the same day. But really, aren't both important to a happy life?!

I think (knock on wood!), I've discovered why I'm not very good at making chocolate chip cookies. I think that I never quite get the marg/butter softened at the right temperature so they are either melty or gooby. So, I think shortening may be the key to a good cookie? What say ye?

Okay, well, I may have a few more baking issues such as amount of flour and baking time, but I'm working on those.

My friend Marne had 2 great posts about cookies:

{The Never-Fail Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe}

{Tips on Freezing Cookie Dough}

I have frozen dough in logs before, but I hadn't tried freezing them in balls. This week I froze a pan like so (image courtesy Marne!):

and bagged like so (image courtesy Marne!):

I had told the kids tonight after baths, they could have a treat, so we plopped a few frozen cookies on the sheet and let them unthaw for 15 minutes or so, and baked them. Yum! They turned out splendidly. Walah, a quick-n-easy tasty treat!


Marne said...

Yay! I'm so glad you guys love that recipe. It's been one that I have been making since I was a kid! Coralee loves it too. I really think that shortening does make all the difference!

Jenni Taysom said...

I use that same recipe that Marne does - it was my grandma's secret recipe, which apparently came off the back of an oatmeal box, and is still the same recipe you can find on the back of oatmeal boxes. The shortening works great in cookies.
I also love freezing the cookies after they have been baked - then there is even less effort to have cookies at a later time.

Cheri said...

Okay -- I think I would be too tempted to just pop the frozen dough balls in my mouth as snacks throughout the day.... Yummmmm. Great idea, though!

Jan said...

I freeze cookie dough all the time in balls. I'll have to read the blog on freezing cookie dough to see if I am doing it right. This was our treat last night for FHE. I love the Chocolate chip cookie dough recipe in the cookbook, Angie makes them the best, they always turn out perfectly when she makes them.

Reeses Pieces said...

Danger, danger....I think I would just eat the frozen balls if they were in my freezer :) Great idea though!

Jenna said...

I put a comment for your "lamination-marker" question, then realized you might not read it clear down just so you know, I put one there :) I love reading about all your creative ideas!

Amy D. said...

Wade loves to freeze dough like this. I like dough with half shortening, half butter because the dough tastes better to me! (Then I keep the dough in the fridge for easy access--frozen dough in the balls is too yummy of a snack, too). But for the cookies, they are consistently great with butter crisco, I think. Nice photos from Marne.