Friday, March 20, 2009

15 months

Max made it to the 15 month mark this week. We took him to the doc today for his checkup and shots. Here's his info:

Length: 31" = 50%
Weight: 23 lbs 3 oz = 25%
Head 47.8 cm = 50%

So, I guess he's still my skinny babe, though the past two weeks I thought he'd gained 5 lbs because he seems so big - but alas, he didn't.  I'll take tall and skinny!

In the past 2 weeks he's been folding his arms when we pray. It lasts for about 5 seconds and then he wants to eat. He also sits down for family prayer and tries to be like everyone else.

The other day Max was teasing Abe. He sat behind him and pushed his feet on Abe's back. He kept trying to bonk heads. Jimmy and I thought it was great to help Abe realize what it feels like to be teased. Go Max!

Max really has been fine with us feeding him. It sure is less messy. But the other day I let him have a go with his noodles. He sure had fun and even slurped a little.  I loved how many noodles he had all over his face and forehead.

Max thinks he owns the remote (and the couch). He loves when he actually pushes the right buttons and things happen on the tv. Ay-ay-ay!

This week marks the first time Max has enjoyed the park. He mostly runs around but we got him to climb the stairs and he loved going down the slide. Having a run-in with a tiny barking dog and eating wood chips made the park experience complete.

Max is still a smiley guy... especially to others at church or stores. He's wanting to be independent and go where he wants. I think he's frustrated that he can't communicate more. I need to teach him more sign language.  His molars are slowly bursting through and he's been a bit cranky from that.

He hits when he doesn't get his way. He won't even try to give kisses or hugs. He's such a boy! He says, "da-da, hannah, ghi, cheese, apple, go-go, ball" and some made-up word that we have no idea what it means.

But Max loves playing outside. He loves balls. He loves his lift-the-flap book. He loves his blanket. He loves being with the older kids doing what they are doing.

We love our Max!!


Shauna said...

Great updates on the kiddos. Loved all the pictures and comments!

Alisa said...

Very cute!! Sounds like Max and Addyson have a lot in common. Especially making messes while eating. I guess it's the age. But he sure is adorable.

Amy D. said...

Max looks so happy. I have heard him be Mr. fussy, too! Really, your photos are nice and bright and colorful. What a good little guy.

Heather H said...

Oh he is just too cute!!