Tuesday, February 17, 2009

lil' boys and girly films don't mesh

Have you ever tried to watch the very end of Pride and Prejudice with a 4-year-old boy and 1-year-old boy on your lap? Not quite as sentimental as it was intended to be.

I very seriously don't sit and watch movies by myself in the middle of the day. But today I was weary and figured I'd sit and fold the white batch and finish the movie I started last night folding laundry.

But then quiet time ended. And Abe plopped himself on my lap asking who was who and what was what and 'what are they talking about?'

Then naptime ended and Max joined us. I had 5 minutes til Hannah's bus arrived and I just needed to see that one scene - when Darcy strides across the meadow at the break of dawn with sunrays glistening everywhere. ... only a 4-year-old was whispering in my ear about something or other.

It really was comical given the situation with 2 wiggly boys and 1 girly-girl film.

p.s.  don't ya just love the music in these movies?


Amanda said...

I love that movie! And the music is great. In fact, one of the songs - Dawn, is my ringtone on my cellphone. But, the plot is very hard to explain to little boys - even big boys (husbands) don't really get it.

Anonymous said...

Fortunately if you watch it enough times with the kids around they will actually LIKE it!! Mine love the ball when they are all dancing. And YES the music is amazing. I have the piano book if you ever want to borrow it.

April said...

I love you. Most ardently.

Marne said...

This is my all time favorite movie, although I love the BBC version best with Colin Firth. Maybe I should watch it this weekend while Chad is away.

I think you are fabulous with all the family history stuff you are doing! You are ain inspiration Heather. Good job!