Monday, February 16, 2009

Celebrating Victories

As I sat in Relief Society on Sunday, I looked around and saw many tired and stressed faces. Not a whole lot of smiles going on. Given - the lesson was on Apostasy, which isn't the most cheerful of subjects. I wondered what expression I had on my face. I'm sure I looked tired and fuzzy-brained.  After that, I did try harder to look semi-pleasant though.

But it made me think about us as women -
the lives we lead,
the trials we face,
the weight on our shoulders,
the joys we experience,
the lessons we learn,
the role we have as nurturers,
the tiredness we feel,
the love we give,
the emotions we feel so deeply whether joyous or sadness.

We face a lot in our lives, don't we?

I don't think we're the only females to experience hard things. See here. These families had their own weight to carry. Perhaps different than our life experiences, but the same perhaps in many ways.

do you think they smiled much in real life?
or was it the culture to have serious photos?
or was life really just physically and emotionally straining?

But then again, do you see these cute kids! Ruth Martha Torgerson would be that perky blond filled with glee. Does that not make you smile! I want to always feel as energetic as she looks.

And here she is again happily perched on her bike as a missionary eager for life and adventures.
My point ...  life has ups and downs - eh? Some times we feel weighed down. Some times we are on the edge of our seat just waiting to see what glorious things are in store.

But after all is said and done, we need each other as women, don't we? We need to talk out the frustrations and share our joys. I read this quote and loved it. It's one reason I love connecting with people who get how I feel, what I face, and understand what I love and get excited about in life.

So - whatever it's all worth, it's just something I've been thinking of. That we need each other to lean on, to celebrate with, to gather courage from, to inspire!
"We go through something
and are given the power to share it
because someone else needs
the knowledge, hope, and inspiration."
{Still Running} on LDSLiving by Renee Condie


Callie said...

What a great post- thanks for being so uplifting. I always come away from your blog feeling a little lighter and more cheerful and better able to deal with life!

Jan said...

I love the pictures of Grandma, especially the one of her on the bike. Grandma was such a spunky fun loving Grandma. Just thinking about her makes me want to smile.