I cried when Max threw his hot chocolate sippy cup on my little toe. It hurt.
I cried thinking about all that others go through - with devastating earthquakes ... illness, death ... much harder things than I dealt with today.
I cried because sometimes thinking about doing visiting teaching is too much when I feel like I give all I have to give to my family.
I cried because I felt like I always had a crying tot. Then Max got the cutest most sympathetic look on his face and looked into my eyes and said, "cry?". Then he smiled at me.
I cried when Truman gave me the hugest smile ever. He loves me no matter what. He cheers my heart. Sweet little Tru.

I cried with Hannah when she was so sad that we didn't let her go to the school read-a-thon in the evening.
Then I cried again with Hannah when I tucked her into bed because I felt bad that we can't always do everything for everyone all the time. She understood and was nice about it.
I cried after the kids went to bed because I was too tired and haggard.
I cried myself to sleep because I was glad Jimmy still loved me even though I had cried for half the day.
In all fairness to life, I know I smiled today.
I smiled when Hannah came bouncing happily home from school. I asked if she had a good day. She said, "Of course. Why wouldn't I?" She got a gold dollar for turning in 100 pennies for the 100th day of school.

I smiled when Abe came downstairs dressed as a Musketeer. He told Jimmy he could play with him if he could find a hat and a dress-up.

I know I smiled through some of those tears at 2 cute little tots - Max and Tru when they smiled at me. I'm glad kids still love their mom even when they have a bad day.
I was grateful I DIDN'T cry when I was cleaning up smooshed Tru poop all over my lovely blue flower rug - all while my visiting teacher was here. How embarrassing! Aren't you proud of me for not crying?!
I was grateful I didn't cry when I found out it would cost $700 to fix the alternator and brakes on our car. So grateful the car didn't die for me the other day with 3 tots in the car, in the middle of nowhere, in the winter.
So - I guess today was filled with lots of tears... but a few smiles too. Such is life, I suppose.
1 comment:
You need to drink some gatorade and replenish all those tears ingredients. There are such days at that! I'm sorry for your tears and happy for your seeing the good in it (you really are great at that!).
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